

Agriculture Officer Past Paper 2020 By PPSC

Agriculture Officer Past Paper By PPSC

Agriculture Officer Past Paper 2020 By PPSC

        1) 2, 4-D is a ---------- herbicide.

a)Selective  b) Non selective  c) Both   d) None of these

2)    2) Optimum wheat seed rate at sowing time ------- kg/ acre?

a) 30-40   b) 40-50   c) 50-60   d) 60-70

3)    3) Family of wheat is?

a) Malvacea  b) Poaceae  c) Fabaceae d) None of these

4)    4)  Family of cotton is ----------?

            a) Malvacea b) Poaceae c) Fabaceae d) None of these

5)    5)  Preferable form of nitrogen for rice under submerged soil conditions is-------------.

            a) NH4  b) NO3  c) NO2  d) All of these

6)    6) ----------- is restorative crop.

            a) Sugar cane b) Wheat  c) Sorghum d) Soybean

7)    7) ----------- is used to measure wind direction.

            a) Hydrometer b) Anemometer c) Wind van  d) All of these

8)    8) Cotton is ----------- crop.

            a) CAM  b) C3  c) C4  d) None of these

9)    9) --------- is kharif crop.

            a) Oat  b) Barley  c) Wheat  d) Maize

10  10) --------- is weed of rice.

            a) Wild oat b) Piazi c) Deela d) All of these

1)   11)  Phosphorus availability is maximum at soil pH of ------------.

            a) 5-6 b) 6-7.5 c) 8-9 d) All of these

2)   12) ---------- is most common carbohydrate in seed.

            a) Starch b) Glycogen c) Both a & b d) None of these

3)   13) The most dominant saturated fatty acid in oil of oilseed crop is ------------.

            a) Acetic acid b) Palmatic acid c) linoleic acid d) None of these

4)   14)  The main problem of agriculture in Pakistan is ------------.

            a) Small land holding b) Non-mechanization c) Water shortage d) All of these

5)   15)  Plants that demand more water are called -------------.

            a) Hydrophyte b) Halophytes c) Xerophytes d) None of these

6)   16)  The agents responsible for wind erosion are -----------.

            a) Suspension b) Abrasion c) Extrusion d) All of these

7)   17) Soil factors are also known as ---------- factors.

         a) Climatic b) Edaphic c) Both a & b d) None of these

18) Brassica juncea is scientific name of?      

            a) Raya b) Toria  c) Sarsoon d) All of above

19) Micronutrient is important for rice?

            a) Zn  b) Mg  c) Cu  d) None

20) ---------- is secondary plant nutrient.

            a) N  b) K  c) P d) S

21) ---------- particle has the highest particle size.

            a) Sand b) Silt c) Clay d) All of these

22) Recommended row to row distance for cotton is ------------- cm.

            a) 45  b) 60  c) 75  d) 100

23) The depth of total water required from sowing to harvesting is called-----------.

            a) Delta of water b) Duty of water c) Indus delta d) None

24) The best sugarcane part to be used as seed is-----------.

            a) Top one third b) Top half c) Bottom half d) Bottom one third

25) ---------- emergence first in maize.

            a) Tassel b) Silk c) Both at same time d) None

26) The plant which change from vegetative to reproductive during long days are called ---------?

            a) Long days plants b) Short day plants c) Day neutral plants d) None

27) Residual left in sugarcane when water and sugar has been extracted is called------------?

            a) Bagasse b) Pressmud c) Filter cake d) None of these

28) The part of stem below cotyledons is called----------.

            a) Epicotyl b) Hypocotyl c) Both a & b        d) None of these

29) ------------ used for soil water conservation.

            a) Mulching b) Soil organic matter c) Deep tillage d) All of these

30) The initial uptake of water by seed is called------------.

            a) Imbibition b) Hydrolysis c) Hydration d) None of these

31) Conservation agriculture is type of ------------ agriculture.

            a) Sustainable b) Conventional c) Botha & b d) None of these

32) Saline sodic soils can be made useful through a process known as------------.

            a) Resolution b) Reclamation c) Regeneration d) None of these

33) ----------- is a gaseous hormone.

            a) Ethylene b) Acetic acid c) Auxin d) IAA

34) ----------- is a micronutrient.

            a) Zinc b) Boron c) Copper d) Potassium

35) In semi-arid region, the annual rainfall is ---------- mm.

            a) 0-250 b) 500-750 c) More than 750 d) More than 1000

36) ---------- is mostly found active ingredient in oil based insecticide.

            a) Emulsifiable concentrate b) Wet table powder c) Granules d) None of these

37) The control of insect pests through predators is called -----------.

            a) Physical b) Chemical c) Biological d) None of these

38) Gurdaspur borer is a pest of ------------.

            a) Wheat b) Rice c) Oat d) Sugarcane

39) The insects active during night are called -----------.

            a) External b) Nocturnal c) Both a & b d) None of these

40) Most of insecticide formulations are in the form of -----------.

            a) EC and WP b) Granules c) Dust d) All of these

41) Gram blight is common disease is -----------.

            a) Dry region b) Cooler region c) Hot region d) Humid region

42) Bacterial blight is disease of -----------.

            a) Wheat b) Oat c) Rice d) None of these

43) Best management technique for mango anthracnose is -----------.

            a) Spray b) Pruning c) Uprooting plant d) None of these

44) Most commonly used media for the study of microorganism is -----------.

            a) Agar b) Arabic gum c) Both a & b d) None of these

45) Abnormal proliferation of stem due to some external stimulus is called ----------.

            a) Gall formation b) Malformation c) Both a & b  d) None of these

46) The disease cause due to abiotic factors are called ------------.

            a) Infectious b) Non-infectious c) Both a & b  d) None of these

47) Bacteria that get food from dead organic matter are known as -----------.

            a) Herbivores b) Omnivores c) Saprophytes d) None of these

48) The study of fruit is called ------------.

            a) Floriculture b) Pomology c) Olericulture d) None of these

49) The removal of inflorescence of any plant with some terminal leaf is called -----------.

            a) Heading back b) Topping c) Suckering d) None of these

50) The removal of upper part of a plant is called -----------.

            a) Pruning b) Heading back c) Desuckering d) None of these 

      51) Mango panicle initiation starts in -----------.

a)      Jan-Feb       b) March-April       c) June       d) September

52) The evergreen cutting planted are ------------.

            a) Spring     b) Autumn    c) Rainy season   d) None of these

53) The plants which have extreme water stem and leaves are called -------------.  

a) Vine        b) Liana     c) Succulent     d) None of these

54) ------------- is self-pollinated crop.

a) Wheat    b) Sugarcane     c) Sorghum     d) Maize

55) The phenotypic superiority of crop is based on ------------.

a) Mass selection   b) Pure line selection   c) Both a & b       d) None

56) Re-establishment of forestry by natural or artificial mean is called -------------.

a) Re-shaping   b) Recultivation   c) Regeneration      d) None of these

57) The seed of Siris is eaten by ------------.

a) Rabbit     b) Porcupine     c) Gulheri     d) None

58) ------------ are the examples of mass media communication.

a) Radio   b) TV    c) Newspaper   d) All of these

59) A farm manager manages a farm in fashions -------------.

a) Lead, planning, controls   b) Control, lead, planning                                                                              c) Planning, organization, lead, control    d) None

60) Which of the following is low level economic activity at field level?

a) Farm management  b) Economic growth  c) Production economics  d) None

61) A market in which money of one nation can be used to purchase the money of other nation is called -------------.

a) Money market  b) International market     c) Foreign exchange market     d) All of these

62) Legally established maximum price of good or service is called -----------.

a) Retail price    b) Ceiling price     c) Floor price    d) Max price

63) The amount by which a nation export of goods exceeds its imports of goods is called -------.

a) Trade off     b) Trade surplus   c) Trade deficit    d) None of these

64) An interest bearing deposit which normally can be withdrawn by a depositor at any time is called -----------.  

a) Capital deposit   b) Fixed deposit   c) Saving deposit    d) None

65) When supply of commodity is decreases, the price -------------.

a) Increases    b) Decreases     c) Both a & b     d) None

66) ---------- are among the oldest food preservation techniques.

     a)      Drying and dehydration   b) Irradiation   c) Cold storage and freezing   d) None

67) Deficiency of vitamin ---------- is associated with night blindness and skin keratinization.

           a) A              b) B              c) C             d) D

68) Lime, lemon juice and pickles are ------------ food.

           a) Low acid   b) Medium acid   c) High acid  d) None

69) Chemically or bio-chemically enzymes are primarily ----------- in nature.

           a) Protein  b) Carbohydrate  c) Lipids  d) Vitamin

70) ---------- is commonly applied to plant material in order to destroy some enzyme prior to canning, cold storage, freezing or dehydration.

          a) Blanching  b) Pasteurization   c) Sterilization  d) Tyndallisation

71) Soy sauce is fermented product of -------------.

          a) Wheat   b) Barley  c) Oat   d) Soybean

72) The example of fermented dairy product are ------------.

         a) Cheese and yogurt  b) Butter and cream   c) Cream and ice cream   d) All of these

73) In dairy industry, ------------ bacteria are most often used to convert milk sugar into lactic acid.

          a) Streptococcus  b) Lactobacillus  c) Both a & b   d) Acetobacter

74) Citrus and tomatoes are rich in vitamin ------------.

          a) A      b) B        c) C       d) d

75) Swelling of udder in cow is common symptoms of ------------ disease.

         a) Mastitis  b) Anthrax   c) Both a & b   d) None

76) The head of food and agriculture organization is in ------------.

        a) Rome   b) Colombo   c) Australia  d) None

77) Green revolution was responsible for improvement in production of ------------.

        a) Maize and millet    b) Rice and wheat    c) Oat and wheat       

78) CIMMYT is working on -----------.

        a) Maize and millet   b) Maize and wheat    c) Oat and wheat

79) Ozone consist of ------------ oxygen atoms.

        a) 1         b) 2          c) 3     

80) Waste water and liquid from industry is known as ------------.

        a) Industry water   b) Waste material     c) Effluent

81) The world population day is celebrated on -----------.

        a) 11 March  b) 11 May    c) 11 July   d) 11sep

82) ----------- is best electrical conductor.

       a) Diamond   b) Silver   c) Wood    d) None

83) The most rapidly replacing cell in human are ----------.

       a) Skin cell   b) Gut cell   c) Red blood cell   d) All of these

84) CSS stand for -----------.

       a) Civil superior services  b) Central superior services  c) Central civil services   d) None

85) Which slave of Hazrat Khadija (RA) was with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during his second tour to Syria?

       a) Maisra  b) Zaid bin Sabit   c) Abdul Rehman  d) None 

86) ---------- cities are included in Hijaaz.

   a) Makkah   b) Madina    c) Taef    d) All of these

87) The word “Gerund” is ------------.

   a) Verbal noun   b) Pronoun   c) a word with many meaning  d) None

88) The synonym of word “Engross” is -----------.

  a) Absorbed   b) Extended    c) Expended    d) None

89) ---------- sustainable goals have been set by UNO to ensure food security.

  a) 10    b) 14    c) 17    d) 19

90) ---------- can be sending via email as attachment.

  a) Word document   b) Audio    c) Video  d) All of these

91) --------- is not a computer server protocol.

  a) HTTP    b) DHCP    c) DNS   d) None

92) A work is completed by 10 people in 14 days. 4 person complete same work in ------- days.

  a) 30    b) 35    c) 40    d) 45

93) Yak na shud ------- shud.

  a) Zero     b) One    c) Two    d) None

94) The book zinda rudh is written by ----------.

  a) Allama Iqbal   b) Javed Iqbal    c) Waleed Iqbal    d) Rafihudin hashmi

95) Eminent philosopher and jurist of 14th century was ----------.

  a) Ibn e khuldon   b) Ibn e Batota    c) Prince Akbar

96) Macho picho city of Peru was discovered in ---------.

  a) 1911    b) 1921    c) 1931    d) 1941

97) Razia sultana was daughter of ---------.

  a) Qutb-al-din aibak    b) Iltutmish  c) Akbar    d) None

98) Sirinagar and muzaffarabad bus service started was in ---------.

  a) 2001    b) 2005   c) 2006   d) 2007

99) The treaty of Versailles was ended in --------.

  a) World war I  b) World war II  c) French dispute  d) None

100) -------- batsman made 210 runs in one day cricket match from Pakistan side.

  a) Shoaib malik  b) Shahid Afridi  c) Imran khan  d) Fakhar Zaman


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